James Mixon
JoinedPosts by James Mixon
Please Welcome me
by Sofia Lose inhave lurked here for many, many years.
female, latina, middle-aged, born-in, 3rd generation jw, northeast usa.
my fate is to continue to play the game 'till death do us part because the very strong and tangled web of friends, family, business, etc.
James Mixon
Welcome!! Kick off your shoes and have some fun.... -
this week's bible reading leviticus chap 19 - 21 - my opening remarks
by user100 inso.. some asshole visits another asshole but a mob erupts and wants to rape the visiting asshole.. the host asshole offers his daughter and the visiting asshole's concubine to appease the mob.. sure enough.. the concubine ends up gang raped and murdered.
in the morning the visiting asshole loads her up on his donkey, takes her home, dismembers her body into 12 pieces and sends it to all the tribes to incite war.. so an army of 22,000 is formed, some prick goes and asks jehovah if they should go and destroy the gang raping mob.. and jehovah says 'yes.. do it.
they go to fight and loose all 22,000 die.
James Mixon
God thought this crap is not working, smiting, raping and etc.
Lets try loving our enemy, turning the other cheek. So God sent
his son to try to correct his (GOD) mistake, just like the flood.
GOD said you know I'm not perfect, hell everyone makes a few
blunders once in a while. Lets not mention Satan my biggest blunder.
James Mixon
Freemasons.. -
James Mixon
Don't know why but it brings to mind People Temple Jonestown...
We are happy people......
Was the character Dracula based on Joshua and Gideon????
by James Mixon inthe two of them spilled a lot of blood and loved it....impaling people, cutting off heads.. you talk about being blood thirsty for your god..
James Mixon
Yes that would be a better comparison, ISIS. Joshua and Gideon
are light weights compared to ISIS..
Was the character Dracula based on Joshua and Gideon????
by James Mixon inthe two of them spilled a lot of blood and loved it....impaling people, cutting off heads.. you talk about being blood thirsty for your god..
James Mixon
The two of them spilled a lot of blood and loved it....Impaling people, cutting off heads.
You talk about being blood thirsty for your God.
Now that is is some sick s*^t!
by OneFingerSalute inso the bible reading talks about some "good" appointed man who valued the office more than his wife and turned her over to the crowd to be repeatedly raped until she died.. then the sick hoser dismembers her and sends the body parts around the nation.
later the "faithful" jews from eleven tribes go up to do battle with the one "bad" tribe at god's okay and suffers defeat...twice!
finally the third time god lets them win.. wt says that we have to realize that women were expendable in those days.
James Mixon
So do other notable up standing characters in the Bible (same personality
as his father), Judges 8:20 Gideon said to his firstborn "Rise, kill them!
But the the youth would not draw his sword: for he was afraid, because he
was still a youth....
Gideon, that's ok son when you turn 12 years old you will be able to impale
our enemies like the best of us..So take note son this is how to impale a man...
You mother will be proud of you...
Now that is is some sick s*^t!
by OneFingerSalute inso the bible reading talks about some "good" appointed man who valued the office more than his wife and turned her over to the crowd to be repeatedly raped until she died.. then the sick hoser dismembers her and sends the body parts around the nation.
later the "faithful" jews from eleven tribes go up to do battle with the one "bad" tribe at god's okay and suffers defeat...twice!
finally the third time god lets them win.. wt says that we have to realize that women were expendable in those days.
James Mixon
If the Bible was published today and mankind had
no knowledge of our supposed Bible history, how many would
believe it??? There were humane laws for mankind before the
Bible was written...I bet you that book would be ban in many
countries or categorized as book of fantasy...
If this isn't the truth, then what is our hope?
by Gigi2121 ini'm new here but not new to researching and questioning the jw beliefs.
i have quite a story.... one that's been haunting me for awhile... but first, i'd like to hear what people have to say about this topic question, please.. -gigi.
James Mixon
Quote from Don Quixote..."Sanity may be madness but the maddest of all
is to see life as it is and not as it should be"
With that being said I don't fear death as I did when I was a JW, I
don't worry about the resurrection (If it come that's great but if not I
will never know), my hope is to leave a legacy for my children..
So for that reason I'm living life to the fullness and very happy..
Ooops. They're back at the anti-type game.
by scotoma ini thought it was ex"plane"d at the corporate meeting that type-antitypes were finished unless it expressly is stated in the bible.. from the feb 22 study article.
question on paragraph 11- what comparison found at psalm 122:3,4 could be applied to god's people today?.
during the coming time of trouble for this system, we will have to be truly united.
James Mixon
The waters of the flood are the "type" and the waters of
baptism are the "anti type", 1 Peter 3:20-21.
How sick is that.....